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Innovative Project Ideas



Do you have an idea that will drive the future of Transportation?
A primary goal for the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) is to encourage innovation and longer-range technological advances in the field of highway transportation. To support such innovation and advances, the IHRB is sponsoring a Campaign for Innovative ideas requesting seed funding for projects that are innovative and may be “high-risk, high-reward” in nature, or they may be basic research leading to new fundamental insights that in due course will result in substantive advances in technology, design, construction, instrumentation and monitoring, modeling, or management of highway related projects. The idea must demonstrate in the description that is innovative or addresses an important fundamental issue, and has the potential to bring about substantial benefits to transportation in Iowa. These ideas are not necessarily expected to lead to results of immediate use in highway engineering, but to produce results holding promise for further useful development. Submitted ideas should clearly define the goals and benefit. Collaboration with other agencies and/or partners is strongly encouraged. The maximum award amount per idea is $60,000.
***UPDATE*** A limited number of proposals will be invited to present at the <b>December 14, 2021</b> Iowa Highway Research Board meeting for funding consideration.

The Innovative Ideas Campaign will close for submission on November 1 at noon.

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